Have you been wrestling with the idea of prophecy and the prophetic?
In 1 Corinthians 14, the Bible tells us to eagerly desire the gift of prophecy. But what is the spiritual gift of prophecy, anyway? The spiritual gift of prophecy is listed among the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:10, Romans 12:6). It means to proclaim or “speak forth” the purposes of God. So, what is a Prophet? A Prophet is a person that God uses to communicate with man, a person committed to speaking God’s truth to others. But you don’t need to be a prophet to hear God’s voice. The Word of God says, “My sheep hears My voice.” That means every believer must exercise and stretch the prophetic muscle.
Key 1: Ask the Lord Jesus to increase His grace upon your life
The gift of prophetic requires the Grace of God. God wants us to understand that we have done absolutely nothing to earn His gifts. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:6 that “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith”. We need God’s grace for our gift of prophesy to flow with the Holy Spirit, according to our faith. The grace of God over any gifting, only multiplies as our knowledge of Christ increases.
Key 2: Prophecy requires an open spirit. Distraction shuts the spirit
Our Father is always speaking, but we can be easily distracted by problems, worries, or even technology in our relationship with the Lord. Don’t let your heart focus on worldly things and grow cold towards Daddy. “… but the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful” (Matthew 13:22) Ask for God’s grace to help you focus your mind and your heart on Him in the midst of chaos and distractions. Keep your spiritual antennas up so that you can hear the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit. Be tuned and open to the spirit so that you can hear the Lord when He speaks. [tweet this]It is only when we remain in the Spirit that the word from God can be downloaded into our heart.
Key 3: Prophecy requires boldness that comes from knowing Who is with you
Jesus is both the Lamb(meekness) and the Lion(boldness), and He lives in you. [tweet this]Hence, the boldness of the Holy Spirit is already in you. “And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them. And you will be turned into another man.” (1 Samuel 10:6)
Key 4: Prophecy requires access
Prophesy is rooted in your relationship and fellowship with God, who knows everything about everyone. However, a prophecy also needs the cooperation of its recipient. The Spirit of God, wont force into someone’s life. Therefore trying to speak into someone who don’t want to receive from you is a waste of time. Be sensitive to the assignment, not everything is to be shared.
Key 5: Prophecy requires an atmosphere that accelerates what God is doing
In 2 Kings 3:15 the Bible tells us that there was specific power in the music which brought the spirit of prophecy upon Elisha and caused him to prophesy powerfully. Praise God and worship Him until the mighty rivers of the living waters of the Holy Spirit are released and begin to flow. Different people find different was to create heavenly atmosphere in their home. Find what awakens and thrust you deeper into the presence of Jesus. The heavenly atmosphere you develop around you will also increase your capacity to hear God better. [tweet this]
Key 6: Prophecy requires practice
How do you know if you have a word from God? Was it a prophetic word to be delivered and shared, or was it just a random thought? To be able to answer these questions, we need to practice the prophetic. Discerning what is and isn’t of God comes with practice alone. Make sure to practice in a safe environment with brothers and sisters who are open and willing to correct and encourage you. Now some of you disagree that it was not the case in the Old Testament and that they would be stoned for getting it wrong. You are right, and you’d probably not be alive to stone the false prophet either. However in the NT, we are encouraged to weigh the prophecy. And when every one is encouraged to get the gift of prophecy surely then everyone is not going to be perfect. So please let us stop it with the idea of stoning. Pray and ask the Lord for prophecies. Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes and ears to see what He is doing and hear what He is saying. If you get something wrong, be honest, accept it and look into your heart and try to understand why the mistake happened. Was there a human circumstance that caused you to prophecy in the flesh? Acknowledging mistakes are an opportunity to grow and develop your spiritual discernment. [tweet this] Be intentional about growing in this gift. Ask the Lord for a word at least once a day!
Key 7: Prophecy grows under guidance
What are your motives for wanting to grow in the prophetic? The prophetic is a very powerful gift which may cause you to become prideful if your heart is not guarded. Be quick to repent if pride has anything to do with it. Only God is all-knowing, so don’t make yourself equal to Lucifer. Pride will harden your heart and hinder your ability to hear clearly from God. [tweet this] Guard your heart from the desire to perform. The prophetic is not about the Prophet. It’s about God’s heart for His people; [tweet this]a Prophet is just a chosen vessel to carry the Father’s Word to those He loves. Be open to correction, guidance, and scrutiny. Be submissive, share regularly with your leaders what God is doing in your life, and be accountable so that the gift can grow.
Key 8: Prophecy requires connectivity
God’s gifts are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life. For your prophetic gift to flow freely, you have to grow in your intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Have that special time together where you’re genuine and open with Daddy to receive His comfort. Stay connected so that when the Lord wants to speak, your spirit is available to hear and deliver. [tweet this]God needs a fresh new vessel to deliver His Word to the people. Will you be that vessel?
Key 9: Prophecy requires sharpening
Sharpen your gift by pursuing the One who gives the prophecies. Get to know God as a friend. Ask God to speak to you in an audible voice. Keep the tip of the sword of the Word sharp by staying crisp in the eyes of God. A heart to hear, and humility to obey will help you grow in the prophetic gift. [tweet this]
Key 10: Prophecy requires prayer
You’d imagine this as obvious but I cannot let it out of this article. Prayer is our intimate time with the Father. The less you pray, the less clarity and boldness you’ll have in your communication with the Lord. [tweet this] Pray with a fervent heart for God to reveal His heart to you. Pray according to His Holy Word. The prayer of the righteous availeth much!
Key 11: Prophecy requires humility
The desire to prophesy God’s heart is good, but the desire to have a title of a prophet is not godly. In fact desire for any titles or positions is not a healthy desire. The greatest of all is the servant, remember? Matt20:26,27 Don’t show off your gift. It is by your fruits that people with know who you are in Christ. Accomplish your assignment without any desire for recognition, as this easily opens the door to the enemy. Ask the Lord for a revelation of humility and reverence for His Word. Maintaining an attitude of humility will push your gift of prophecy to a deeper level.
Key 12: Prophecy requires the protection of the prophetic zone [tweet this]
Loneliness is a price you need to pay to reach where God wants you to go. Moses’ life as a leader was extremely lonely, but God offered Him His friendship and they spoke face to face! There will be times when it will seem like you might be alone, but because of God, you will not walk alone. Be surrounded by people who will understand your call and support you in this walk.
Key 13: Prophecy requires knocking
In 1 Peter 1:10-11 the Bible teaches the prophets to search and inquire diligently about God’s Word: “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.” Dig deep. “Search intently”. “With greatest care.” Find out more about the time. And more about the circumstances. More is the key. Knock and knock.
Key 14: Prophecy requires faith
Faith is trust in God. How much do you trust God? Your answer will determine how much you can prophesy. Prophecy is accelerated according the measure of your faith. The greater the faith, the greater the capacity of going into details of the prophetic. Just like the prophets in the Old Testament who delivered the message of salvation by grace through Jesus, we might not always fully comprehend the meaning of God’s messages to His people spoken today. But we must have faith in God in order to prophesy the messages He gives us, even though we may not understand their meaning. 5 Practical things from my point of view to accelerate the gift of prophecy:
- Praying in the spirit.Speak in tongues every day for at least an hour
- The gift of prophecy is accelerated by the laying on of hands by your spiritual authority
- The gift of prophecy accelerates with fasting
- Prophecy accelerates with revelation. Today, God is increasing your knowledge. Let the knowledge turn into revelation by meditating on His Word and the points in this blog until it becomes part of you.
- The gift of prophecy accelerates in a new season. May the Lord provide a season of Divine acceleration that will enable you to have an encounter with God who will launch you, victorious, into His purposes.
I really hope this article has been of help. If it did, share it with someone you know will be blessed by it. Until next time!