Prophetic Videos

1on1 Prophecy with Prophetess Call 469-269-8831

 Prophetess Debra Brown,for a  1 on 1

Call,  as I speak into you life I will release Prophetic Direction, open your eyes for you to WALK IN YOUR PROPHETIC FLOW,

Contact Info: 9606 La Prada Bl. Dallas TX 75228  
OFfice # 469-289-8831 
Website:     Email: Women of Character       Is there not a prophet of the Lord that we may inquire of the Lord by him” (2Kings 3:11)  Your 1 on 1 call will include 
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Whether you’re a Prophet or not, these calls are sure to walk you into your prophetic flow.

Believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established: believe His Prophets so shall you prosper. (2chron.20:20)   

Community Partners


Dear Online Partners,  Visitors Members

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Welcome thank you for visiting Harvest Intl. Church Ministry, Women of Character & Calvin & Debra  Ministry.   1Corinthians 1:3  Grace (favor and spiritual blessing) be to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are here in DESOTO TX. to impart and reveal the Word of God to you in such a way that you will experience the manifestation of the CHRIST in your life AND the ministering fire of the Holy Ghost in EACH services brings a break-through each time you enter A services.


Online Partners, and New Church members Whatever your past spiritual or church experience may have been, we want you to know that we welcome you into this prophetic Ministry.  We invite you to connect by attending Sunday morning prayer 10:30AM  and Service, 11AM the 1st impartation Prophetess Debra Prophetic Worship Service 11am,Prophet-Sr. Pastor Calvin Brown. 


We embrace the Holy Spirit and prophecy.  We believe that the Holy Spirit will minister the mind of Christ to the you as we embrace the word. The power of the Holy Spirit will be revealed  things to us under the anointing. Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7


The anointing will cause you to weep and cry that is just a sign that the LORD is healing you and your family in a deeper way. Eph 1:1  PAUL, AN Apostle (special messenger) of Christ Jesus (the Messiah), by the divine will (the purpose and the choice of God) to the saints (the consecrated, set-apart ones) at Ephesus who are also faithful and loyal and steadfast in Christ Jesus:


We pray that your  Online Partners experiences here will be just  what you are looking for if not tell us how we could improve just write a note to Sr. Pastor. Prophet Brown, and we hope this is the beginning of a great covenant prophetic   relationship.


Call if you want to make an appointment of if you need council prayer this will be our time together We Love you, and May the Lords hand be on Your Life also Join the Thursday Night Ministry of the Prophets 7:30pm.  Ladies if you need council Call  Prophetess Debra 469-269-8831 and join Women of Character Walking in a Prophetic Flow every 1st Saturday 10:00 am bring a friend that need deliverance or Healing.


Facebook us at: Calvin Brown or Facebook: Debra Brown or Call Harvest Intl Office  @ 817-773-3975. church  Or Email Prophetess@ Women of                     

You Pastor’s We are Hear for You

Calvin &  Debra


Apostolic Ordination Prophetic Release

(Sharefaith App Image)
Ephesians 2:20
     And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.  Ephesians 4:11-13
Kingdom Centers


    And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers ; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ : 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ :


Last week we looked at Apostolic teams and Apostolic companies. Today we will look at two distinctions: apostolic churches and kingdom centers. These are places teams and companies are sent from and also the places they go to minister. For the most part, we all understand the many faceted church structures that currently exist. We also see many types of para-church ministries functioning. Apostolic churches and centers are very different in DNA and function than the typical models that now exist.

            Let’s start by looking at apostolic churches. A good definition of apostolic churches is a New Testament type church within a region that functions from a true Biblical perspective concerning apostles and prophets as the foundation of the church and allowed to govern the church through a team of five fold offices. Apostolic churches have a Kingdom of God dynamic and focus. They minister to participators in gift and personal development to release the person’s identity, worth, destiny, and placement in the kingdom instead of problem solving, like typical structures.
            You do not have to have an apostle leading a church for the church to have apostolic nature. But generally, apostolic churches relate to an apostle in some aspect. Whether the senior leader is apostolic, or relating to an apostle, or having an apostle come from time to time to speak. In other words, there is a definite connection somewhere to the apostolic.  I relate to several pastors and ministries in all kinds of denominations. Some I am in contact weekly, some monthly and some every few months.
            In the New Testament, each apostolic church that was formed related to an apostolic team that helped oversee their ministry.  Each apostolic church was connected to the apostles and prophets in relationship, but not under a central form of church government.  Each church was allowed to develop and express its own belief system individually while still being connected to a corporate body.  This allowed freedom and development in the Spirit to occur in each local apostolic church.  It also allowed for faster growth in some churches than others, because the limitations of conformity were removed. This growth brought about different types of expressions to be developed, bringing greater variety to the overall Body of Christ.  By allowing the individual expression of the apostolic churches, and by staying connected by relationships and not a central government, apostolic teams and companies are able to see the lack and answers needed to help facilitate increased spiritual growth in the apostolic churches they related to.  As apostolic teams and companies traveled, they witnessed these different dynamics and were able to connect and bring new team members from one local church to another to help facilitate growth.  The apostolic churches within regions worked more together with an overall mindset of what was good for the Body of Christ than how many people did they get within their local structure.
            As apostolic teams traveled into local churches, there was a greater impartation to the leaders which also caused their job to become easier.  When their perceptions changed, and grew concerning the Kingdom, their authority and ability to minister to needs in a greater fashion increased.  This greater revelation brought an infusion of a fresh perception concerning the Kingdom. The church leader benefits and the apostle does as well, and the completion of calling occurs. Many times Pastors do not relate to apostles because they believe they do not bring anything of value to them. After all, they are the ones doing the real work of ministry. But most apostles bring such greater insights and revelation, it makes the pastor’s job easier if embraced.

            True apostolic churches carry greater impact than conventional church models. This is because of mobilization and the release of the entire Body of Christ represented. The outcome is multiplication, first with ministers, and then with those able to be touched. Apostolic Churches look at and take on projects affecting more than them, but the Body of Christ and unbelievers. This comes from a greater visionary posture based on understanding the Kingdom. They have some of the same structure as conventional churches with elements of worship, prayer, teaching, and different types of ministry. But the function and expression of each of these is different. Worship is more expressive and free, prayer is more intense and moves into true intercession with many participating. Teaching may be more revelatory and the ministries are designed to release people into function and are more non-traditional taking on dynamics that are relevant to society.


1 Corinthians 3:5-10

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man ? 6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase . 7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase . 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour . 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry , ye are God’s building . 10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon .




Apostolic or Kingdom centers are now emerging to help current ministries and new apostolic churches emerging. Kingdom centers work to develop all the dynamics of regional church and churches for reformation and awakening. This includes becoming a place of great resource that others can draw from. They take the role in ministry that most churches cannot do or do not have expertise to do. These are aspects such as School of Ministries or in-depth teaching training the saints to do the work of ministry.  They become gathering places for the Body of Christ regionally through conferences and other types of special meetings.  They are places of connecting various ministries with each other for interaction. In other words, it is a place to help supplement those desiring more than a local church setting. Kingdom centers see regions and assignments. Kingdom centers generally are led by Apostolic and Prophetic teams. This brings both the mind of God and the strategy of God for a region.

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Acts 18:19 And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.


Acts 18:21 But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will. And he sailed from Ephesus .


Acts 19:1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples ,

 Acts 18:24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus .

 Kingdom centers become the places apostolic teams and companies are sent forth from. Most kingdom centers have pastoral staff to help minister to individual needs. Most kingdom centers have regional cause and vision that supersedes what local churches present. Most Pastoral viewpoints are people’s individual needs. Kingdom centers shift the person into the cause of the Kingdom and the role their life plays in it. Being part of a kingdom center has a higher expectation than a local church. In a typical local church, the expectation is to conquer your personal problems and sustain your spiritual life. In an apostolic church, the expectation is that your life will impact others. In a Kingdom center the expectation is both of the above, plus a coming together for common cause to impact regions!

           Because of the spiritual liberty and depth Kingdom centers have, they are able to be places of refreshing for those in ministry. They become a source that both ministers to those desiring more, but especially to leaders who have grown weary. The off shoot of this is other types of ministries such as websites with teaching and mp3 messages, publishing of materials, reproduction of CDs and music and other ministries. Our ministry base is doing all of these and has added Transparent Studio, a full reproduction studio for new music. We have also released artists to draw, using their drawings for flyers, brochures, signs, etc.5

           Kingdom centers also seem to have higher standards than most typical church models. Because they have a focus for regional change and ministry to leaders and emerging leaders, the standards are high. The expectation to be an example by doing things in excellence is very much a DNA of Kingdom Centers. Since the eyes of a region are upon them, they must maintain and lead by modeling an exemplary approach to life. They are not out to conform belief systems but challenge believers to live at a higher standard than just getting by. In all honesty, if Pastors and churches would support Kingdom Centers and encourage their people to attend them and their events, the pastoral job would be much easier. Kingdom Centers do not want to gather people to retain them but to train and release them.

           So looking at Apostolic churches working with Kingdom centers, we see them working together for the same things. The development of people in giftings, releasing destiny and maintaining and advancing the Kingdom. The approaches may differ slightly but the primary assignment of both is the Kingdom. One within a region or state and the other within a local body or city. If we had apostolic based churches along with Kingdom centers, we would have a dynamic relationship driven ministry base covering all aspects needed in the Body of Christ.




