Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra Christian prophetic ministry Gifts knows its main function is to teach the body of Christ to mature. We believe the present-day “future” apostles of which Paul spoke of in Ephesians 4 have a detailed job description as given by Paul.
In the phrase “pastors Gifts and teachers” the word “and” in the Greek is the article “
kai.” This word is used in a copulative and also an informational sense. I believe what Paul said Jesus has given gifts to mankind, some to be sent, some to speak the mind and counsel of God, and some to be itinerant preachers and some shepherds. “pastors” [shepherds] “and teachers” the word “kai” is used.
Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra Christian prophetic ministry Gifts Jesus has given us those four gifts of public service—apostles, prophets, evangelists and shepherds—namely as teachers for the maturing (perfecting) of the saints and etc.
Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra Christian prophetic ministry Gifts,main function as apostle-teacher, prophet-teacher, evangelist-teacher, shepherd-teacher, which is four distinct doma ascension gifts, each however, combined with a teaching “gift”—a total of five servanthood “gifts” given by Jesus to His ekklesia
for the purpose of maturing the saints. Ephesians 4.
The revelation knowledge of the original apostles (that is to say, those mentioned throughout the New Testament) still stands. There is no “new” foundation to put in place (unless, of course, you have replaced the chief corner stone, Who is Jesus Christ Himself, in which case what I’m saying is pointless to you). There are no “new” revelations of Jesus and the Gospel which can replace the revelations of the New Testament apostles.
Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra Christian prophetic ministry.We believe the present-day “future” apostles of which Paul spoke of in Ephesians 4 have a detailed job description as given by Paul. It was during Paul’s lifetime that the transition from his “present” apostles and prophets to his “future” apostles and prophets occurred. And those future apostles and prophets are the ones that continued after the New Testament and include what is our present-day apostles and prophets.
Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra These present-day apostles and prophets have a different gifting from the Old and New Testament apostles and prophets. (Old Testament “apostles” being those sent out by God, but not then called apostles). Today’s apostles and prophets (and evangelists and shepherds as teachers) are to mature the saints by preparing them for works of public service, or ministry, freely given. And to teach them how to build up the body of Christ. The purpose is to bring about unity of the faith that comes with the knowledge of the Son of God so that the body of Christ will mature into the full measure of Christ Himself.
There are no “super-apostles” coming to lay a “new” foundation and to give us further “revelations” that surpass those of the New Testament apostles and prophets regarding Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Christ.
Harvest Intl. Calvin & Debra Today’s apostles and prophets have a different function and that is to help the body of Christ grow in understanding and experiential knowledge of that which has already been written for us in the word of God, the Bible.