Prophetic Apostolic Integrity

Apostolic Integrity
Chief Apostle & Prophetess Debra Prophetic Integrity is not to be considered elementary for those who nurture a sophisticated assessment of their own spirituality.
 Integrity must be viewed as necessity to function properly in the Kingdom of God.
The God we serve is a God of Integrity because He honors His Word. God and His Word are one, for they are inseparable. His Word is who He is. He swears to His own destruction if one jont or one title of His Word does not come to pass it would mean that He would pass away.
 Integrity, we  who called by His Name to walk in His Kingdom as His ambassadors in the earth must also be willing to swear to our own destruction if one jont or one title of our word does not come to pass.
Could it be that the challenges and destruction we experiencing in some are-as of our lives have come because we are not fulfilling our word?
We are the children of the Most High and as His offspring we walk as gods in the earth. We are to manifest as He manifest. And we will walk in the same light of whatsoever happens to him.
